I find the song "Ride" by Lana Del Rey and the music video she created for it to be extremely poetic. The music video, which is actually a short film, depicts Del Rey's character as a prostitute who finds comfort and safety in the men she sells herself to. The video is beautifully done, in my opinion, and is one of Del Rey's greatest works as a music artist. The language, rhythm, and images used makes the video incredibly cinematic. The media gave Del Rey a lot of flack for the video, claiming that it makes the act of prostitution to be beautiful and mesmerizing. Others said that the video really had no meaning and was just like every other one of Del Rey's works. However, no matter what the critics said, Lana Del Rey stood by her work with pride and was very pleased with it, as was I.
[Music video spoken introduction:]
I was in the winter of my life, and the men I met along the road were my only summer.
At night I fell asleep with visions of myself, dancing and laughing and crying with them.
Three years down the line of being on an endless world tour, and my memories of them were the only things that sustained me, and my only real happy times.
I was a singer - not a very popular one,
I once had dreams of becoming a beautiful poet, but upon an unfortunate series of events saw those dreams dashed and divided like a million stars in the night sky that I wished on over and over again, sparkling and broken.
But I didn't really mind because I knew that it takes getting everything you ever wanted, and then losing it to know what true freedom is.
When the people I used to know found out what I had been doing, how I'd been living, they asked me why - but there's no use in talking to people who have home.
They have no idea what it's like to seek safety in other people - for home to be wherever you lay your head.
I was always an unusual girl.
My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean...
And if I said I didn't plan for it to turn out this way I'd be lying...
Because I was born to be the other woman.
Who belonged to no one, who belonged to everyone.
Who had nothing, who wanted everything, with a fire for every experience and an obsession for freedom that terrified me to the point that I couldn't even talk about it, and pushed me to a nomadic point of madness that both dazzled and dizzied me.

I've been out on that open road
You can be my full time daddy,
White and gold
Singing blues has been getting old
You can be my full time baby,
Hot or cold

Don't break me down
I've been travelin' too long
I've been trying too hard
With one pretty song

I hear the birds on the summer breeze,
I drive fast, I am alone in the night
Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble,
but I, I've got a war in my mind
So, I just ride, just ride,
I just ride, just ride

Dying young and I'm playing hard
That's the way my father made his life an art
Drink all day and we talk 'til dark
That's the way the road dogs do it – ride 'til dark.

Don't leave me now
Don't say good bye
Don't turn around
Leave me high and dry

I hear the birds on the summer breeze,
I drive fast, I am alone in the night
Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble,
but I, I've got a war in my mind
I just ride, just ride,
I just ride, just ride

I'm tired of feeling like I'm f***ing crazy
I'm tired of driving 'til I see stars in my eyes
It's all I've got to keep myself sane, baby
So I just ride, I just ride

I hear the birds on the summer breeze,
I drive fast, I am alone in the night
Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble,
but I, I've got a war in my mind
I just ride, just ride,
I just ride, I just ride

[Music video spoken ending:]
Every night I used to pray that I’d find my people, and finally I did on the open road.
We had nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore, except to make our lives into a work of art.
Live fast. Die young. Be wild. And have fun.
I believe in the country America used to be.
I believe in the person I want to become.
I believe in the freedom of the open road.
And my motto is the same as ever:
"I believe in the kindness of strangers. And when I’m at war with myself I ride, I just ride."
Who are you?
Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies?
Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them?
I have. I am f***ing crazy.
But I am free.
William Henry Davies is a Welsh poet and author who lived from 1871 to 1940. Nature is the subject of much of his poetry, often describing its beauty. While I would not label my poet as an "eco-poet", due to the fact that he lived before concern about the earth's natural habitats made its way into poetry, I would describe his style of writing as earthy and beautiful. His poems are, for the most part, easy to understand. I enjoy his vivid imagery and connection to the seasons and natural beauty of the world. and My partner, Mindy Hartings, chose an eco-poet by the name of Robert Hass. Both Mindy and I enjoy the outdoors and the beauty of nature, and I definitely believe that shows through our selection of poets.

Davies, born in Monmouthshire, Wales, traveled to America looking for work after holding several labor-intensive jobs. After returning to England after loosing his foot in a harsh accident, Davies married and began publishing poetry by the age of 34. Before his death in 1940, Davies had written several poems, two novels,  and some autobiographical works. More detailed information and several poems, such as April's Charms, Laughing Rose, and All in June, can be found on http://www.poemhunter.com/william-henry-davies/biography/. Unfortunately, I could not find any of Davies' published works at the Dunbar Library. However, more biographical information can be found in the biography and reference banks of Wright State Libraries (http://ehis.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.libraries.wright.edu:2048/eds/results?sid=61fc7632-ea0d-47fd-9f43fbdcfc9c2df4%40sessionmgr10&vid=3&hid=3&bquery=William+AND+Henry+AND+Davies&bdata=JnR5cGU9MCZzaXRlPWVkcy1saXZl).